Discover Takii Seed Rootstocks at Delphy
After several years of extensive trials on its rootstock range at Delphy, NL, in 2024 Takii is predominantly focusing on its tomato rootstock range. The company is however exploring the potential of new rootstocks for high-tech cucumber crops.
An extensive tomato demonstration trial has been established in 2024 at Delphy's horticulture research location in the Netherlands. Given the infrequency of new rootstock introductions in the market, the promising results from these trials have prompted growers to stay alert to developments. There is a clear demand for a broader selection of rootstock varieties from the market and Takii are responding to that need and are keen to share their knowledge and experience. Growers and advisors who are interested to see the exciting developments from Takii first hand are invited to contact us and make an appointment.